Student Handbook
Remember our Mission and Vision, fellow Bulls!
Mission: Bennett Ranch is committed to a community grounded on positive relationships, high standards, and responsive teaching. Our learners will pursue pathways of passion based on firm foundations, creativity, and grit.
Vision: Bennett Ranch will develop independent confident risk takers who are inspired to solve problems through resourceful thinking and collaboration.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to a staff member or administration.
Bennett Ranch Elementary Families and Students
We have prepared a Student/Family Handbook that outlines important information and guidelines for school success. We are committed to helping each and every student on their learning journey, and we believe that his Student/Family Handbook establishes how we can work as a team for our kids.
We ask that every parent/guardian review in detail the Falcon Student Conduct and Discipline Code.
Bennett Ranch Elementary Handbook
- Assessment
A wide variety of assessment types are used throughout the year to form a “body of evidence” that indicates instructional growth. Assessment of student learning takes place for three reasons.
- Instruction
Assessments are used in the classroom to show how well a child is understanding classroom lessons and tasks. Both formal and informal assessments are used on a regular basis along with teacher observations.
- Monitoring Student Learning
Some tests help teachers learn about specific student needs so that appropriate instructional decisions can be made. Screening instruments help teachers decide about a child’s readiness for advanced learning tasks or about a child’s need for academic interventions. The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment is administered to all kindergarten through fifth grade students.
- Colorado Assessment Program
The Colorado Model Content Standards are the foundation for state assessments in science, social studies, English, language arts, and mathematics – which were developed jointly by CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success) and PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers).
These standards are expectations that specify what students should know at particular points in their education. As a result, CMAS/PARCC provides a series of snapshots of student achievement as students move through grades 3-10. For detailed information about CMAS/PARCC, visit the CDE website at: and click on assessment.
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT): Our third grade students receive the Cognitive Abilities Test.
- Standards-Based Report Card
Falcon School District 49 utilizes a quarterly report card that is aligned with Colorado State Standards and Benchmarks. Standards-based reporting gives parents a clear idea of what specific skills their child is learning in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science
- Literacy Plans
In Falcon School District 49, a READ Plan is written for students who are not meeting grade-level reading proficiencies in grades K-3. The Colorado Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2012 legislative session. The READ Act focuses on K-3 literacy, assessment, and individual plans for students reading below grade level. While the classroom teacher initiates this plan, the READ plan is developed and supported by a team—the parents, school administrator, and other staff as needed. Each member of the team has a role to play in supporting the student’s literacy success. No member of the team, working alone, can guarantee academic success. By working together, we increase each student’s literacy achievement.
- Student Success Team/MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)
The Student Success Team is a team of educators and parents who develop strategies and interventions to meet the academic, behavioral, and/or emotional needs of every student in the regular education classroom. The framework of SST/MTSS utilizes high quality evidence-based instruction, intervention, and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level of support to be successful. Any staff member or parent who has concerns about a student’s performance is encouraged to refer the student to SST/MTSS.
Ongoing meetings are held, at least once monthly, where concerns are discussed, progress is monitored, and strategies and interventions are designed. The Student Success Team/MTSS may consist of the following: Regular Education Teacher and Special Education Teacher, Social Worker, School Psychologist, Speech Therapist, School Nurse, Counselor, Principal or Assistant Principal, Parent/Guardian, Other grade level teachers
- Promotion and Retention
Promotion and retention shall be based on all factors that contribute to the benefit of each individual student. The principal will take into consideration teacher and counselor recommendations when determining the need for retention of a student. Additional information regarding district policy on this subject can be found in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
- Standards and Proficiencies
Falcon School District 49 has written Standards and Benchmarks for each curricular area in accordance with the guidelines created for the state of Colorado. Standards are defined as specific statements about what students should know and be able to do. Standards focus on learning, instead of on teaching -- helping students become more aware of what they are learning and why. Standards and Benchmarks are available from your child’s teacher.
- Report Cards
Report cards are sent home after the end of each quarter. Please review report cards with your child and make goals for achievement for the upcoming grading period. Any time you have questions about your child’s progress, we will be happy to schedule a conference.
- Technology and Computer Use
As a staff, we continue to develop ways to implement teaching and learning technology to enhance the learning of all our students. Our vision is for students:
to use technology as a tool to direct their own learning;
to use technology to access information, apply it to solve problems, and create imaginative and innovative solutions to those problems;
to use technology as a communication tool within school and at home;
to use connectivity to access and to interact with worldwide information.
Through teaching students to use technology, we provide additional support for students, which enhances their academic achievement, motivation, and self-directed learning. Parents and students will be asked to sign an Acceptable Use Agreement during each school year.
- Attendance
Bennett Ranch Elementary School Hours are as follows:
Grades K-5 8:00 am - 3:10 pm
Morning Preschool 8:15 am - 11:15 am
Afternoon Preschool 12:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Office Hours are 7:20 am - 3:55 pm Main phone number for the building 719-495-5460
PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL BEFORE 7:45 A.M. unless they are getting breakfast.
Students aren’t permitted on school property before 7:45 unless they are in a supervised program with a staff member. At 7:45, children will enter the building through the front doors and go directly to their classrooms.
Breakfast is served at 7:25, students will need to ring the doorbell to be allowed into the building. *Please note there is no breakfast on 2 Hour Delay Days.*
- Attendance Policies and Procedures
Students that arrive after 8:00 am are considered "tardy" and students that leave before 3:10 pm are considered "early out".
Please call 719-795-5460 or email or to notify staff of an absence.
- Absence and Tardy Procedures:
If your child has been (or will be) absent, please call to let us know. Parents may access this number before, during, and after school hours. If your child is tardy, they must be signed into the office by a parent/guardian prior to going to their classroom. They must obtain a tardy pass to get into class.
Students are expected to complete all work missed when they have been absent from school. Academic work may be made up for excused absences through the requests made to your child’s teacher. Please do not drop by the building for makeup work.
Although regular attendance is essential to school success, please do not send a child showing any symptoms of an illness. Exhibiting symptoms of even the common cold is sufficient reason for keeping a child home since more serious diseases often begin with cold-like symptoms. Precautions greatly assist in controlling communicable diseases at school.
- Excusable Absences:
absences because of a temporary illness and/or injury
students absent due to physical, mental, or emotional disabilities
students pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school
students attending a school-sponsored activity/event
students in the custody of court or law enforcement authorities
absences determined by school administration to be excusable, such as doctor's appointments or appointments with outside agencies
- Unexcused and/or Excessive Absences:
4 unexcused or 10 excused/unexcused absences per month: a parent phone call and the first letter of concern
6 unexcused or 12 excused/unexcused absences: the second letter of concern and attendance contract (to include intervention for family support)
8 unexcused or 14 excused/unexcused absences: file a notice of noncompliance with the El Paso County Court System
10 unexcused or 16 excused/unexcused absences: file a petition with the El Paso County Court System
- Tardy and/or Early Outs:
5 tardies/early outs: a parent phone call and the first letter of concern
10 tardies/early outs: parent conference and attendance contract (to include intervention for family support)
- Prearranged Absences:
Family vacations during school time are strongly discouraged, as they are counted towards total student absences which may exceed the specified limit and may become unexcused absences. Vacations should be planned for times when school is not in session. Parents are encouraged to follow the district-approved calendar for scheduled breaks.
A written request for a prearranged absence should be made at least a period of time equal to the length of time the student will miss school and presented to the school’s administration. For example, a one-day absence would require a one-day notice. All assignments are due prior to the period of absence unless otherwise specified by a teacher.
Excused or pre-arranged absences in excess of the district designated number of allowable absences may become unexcused.
- Early Pick-Ups:
The staff at Bennett Ranch Elementary requests that parents please make every attempt to schedule appointments and trips out of town during non-school hours.
If a student must leave class early, please plan ahead and allow at least 5 extra minutes for your child to be called out of class. For security reasons, students will only be called out of class when parents or guardians make their request in-person in the Main Office.
Students will not be called out of class for early pick-ups after 2:50 p.m. to ensure students’ safety and due to classrooms beginning to clean up.
For security reasons, all staff members have been instructed NOT to release students from the classroom without notification from the office. For the safety of our students, we will request picture identification from anyone picking up a student early from school. Please notify anyone that may be picking up your child of this procedure. The child must be signed out at the office. The office will then notify the classroom teacher to send the child to the office.
- Weather:
Parents and guardians are expected to take the responsibility for determining whether
- it is safe to send their child to school due to severe weather.
When the district makes the decision to close school or have a delayed start to the school
- day due to severe weather, the student will not be penalized for the duration of the closure.
Parents or guardians must call or email the school office to notify us of their child’s absence.
- Withdrawing Students:
If you must withdraw your child from Bennett Ranch, please send a note or call our office as soon as you know you are leaving. Records will be brought up to date and then sent after we receive a records request from your child’s new school.
On the day your child will withdraw, a parent/guardian should come to the office for final processing.
- Between School & Parents
It is important for the school and parents to keep lines of communication open at all times. Parents are encouraged to visit the school at any time and to contact teachers with concerns or questions. Please make an appointment to visit with a classroom teacher so that instructional time is not interrupted.
- Thursday Folders
- Students will bring home reminders, school communication, and class work in folders on Thursdays.
- Parents are asked return the folder each Friday with their child.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Two conferences will be held during the school year. The first set of conferences will be in October; the second set of conferences will be in February. These conferences provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with the classroom teacher. All parents are requested to attend. Feel free to call the school and make an appointment with the teacher, counselor, dean, assistant principal, or principal any time the need arises. Only when a child feels that there is understanding, appreciation, and active cooperation between home and school can each student do their best work.
- Reaching Staff by Telephone & Email
In order to speak with a staff member at Bennett Ranch Elementary, we ask that you call 719-495-5460 and speak with the front office staff. You may also contact staff members via email, this may lead to a faster response. All staff members regularly check their messages, and return phone calls in a timely manner.
- Visiting the School
Parents are an important part of our school. We invite you to visit school at any time. If you would like to see a specific activity or discuss a specific aspect of the school program, the principal or other staff members will be happy to meet with you. However, classroom teachers are unable to discuss your child’s progress during instructional time. Please make an appointment during non-instructional time, should you want to confer with the teacher.
If you would like to eat lunch with your child, please come about 5 minutes before their designated lunch. Children not enrolled at Bennett Ranch Elementary may not visit the school unless accompanied by an adult. WE ASK THAT ALL VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL CHECK IN AT THE OFFICE WITH A STATE ISSUED (non-military) ID BEFORE GOING TO THE CLASSROOM or CAFETRIA AREA, and wear their “visitor” or “volunteer” badge at all times.
- Parties
Due to the adopted District Wellness Policy schools may only have one day per quarter for parties. Those days are set aside for our Fall, Winter, Spring, and end-of-year parties. For more information, go to We are required to follow the adopted guidelines. Since small children, particularly infants, tend to distract students, we ask that parents/guardians not bring them while visiting classrooms.
- Field Trips
Field trips are educationally sound when they are planned within the objectives of the class. Such trips are encouraged as a means of expanding the educational opportunities for our students. All trips must be approved by the administration. Students participating in a field trip shall at all times be under the supervision of a teacher/chaperone, and acceptable classroom conduct shall be expected of the students at all times. All school regulations will be observed and enforced.
Parents are welcome on field trips as chaperones, but we ask that you leave siblings at home, as they can interfere with your responsibility to supervise the students. Any volunteer must go through the D49 background check Parents may not transport students to or from any field trips, with exceptions being made by school administration only.
- Health Assistants
Each elementary school has a health assistant in the office for seven hours a day. Health assistants are not nurses. They only have received training in basic first aid, CPR, and medication administration.
- Registered Nurses
Due to an increase in enrollment and the number of schools in the district, nursing services will become more consultative. Registered Nurses will only be in the buildings to provide health services mandated by the State of Colorado, such as: immunizations, special education assessments, and staffings. They will coordinate the vision and hearing screenings and be available to teachers, parents, and students when there are specific health concerns that require assistance.
- Medications
If your child must have medication of any type, including over-the-counter medicine given during school hours, you have a few choices:
You may obtain a school medication form from the school and have your doctor indicate on the form the drug, dose, and time to be given. On this form, a signature by you and your child’s physician is required. BRES also needs a pharmacy-labeled bottle containing the medication and instructions on how the medication should be given.
You may come to the school and give the medicine to your child at the pre-approved appropriate time.
You may discuss with your doctor an alternative schedule for medication, so that it may be given outside of school hours.
Students are not allowed to carry any type of medication-including cough drops with them, or in their backpack, at any time, including for field trips.
*Remember: the only way we can dispense medication at school is with a school medication form filled out and signed by you and your child’s physician. The medication must come to school in a prescription-labeled container.
- School Accountability Committee (SAC)
Our SAC is a group of parents, staff members, and non-parents who represent the community’s point of view. The SAC concerns itself with the improvement of education in general, studies the educational needs of our school, monitors the implementation of our Unified Improvement Plan, and advises the principal. The SAC works with the principal and staff members to achieve excellence in education for all of our children. The Bennett Ranch Elementary SAC meets quarterly. Your involvement is welcomed. For more information, call the school office.
- Parent/Teacher/Student Association (PTA)
The Bennett Ranch PTA promotes parent/guardian involvement in the education of children and a close relationship between parents/guardians and the school. Your membership supports not only the school, but also your own children. The PTA meets regularly and sponsors many fundraising activities and special events. For membership information, please come by the school office. Look for additional information that will come home with your children throughout the school year about the many wonderful PTA activities for parents as well as students.
- Volunteer Program
We welcome and appreciate volunteers at Bennett Ranch. Please contact your child’s teacher or school office if you can share some time with us. Volunteers are required to go through the district volunteer process. The online volunteer background check can be completed at
District Office Phone Numbers
Receptionist 719-495-1100
Transportation 719-495-1159
- Board of Education
The Falcon School District 49 Board of Education meets on a monthly basis. see the BOE updates posted at if you would like information regarding dates, times, and locations.
- Child Abuse
Any school employee who has reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or neglect must report this immediately. The school principal or counselor must report the suspected abuse to the El Paso County Department of Human Services. The school is barred from contacting the parents before the authorities are called.
- Non-Discrimination
The Board of Education is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in relation to race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, sex (which includes marital status), sexual orientation (which includes transgender), disability, or need for special education services. Respect for the dignity and worth of each individual shall be paramount in the establishment of all policies by the Board and in the administration of those policies by the administration.
- Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is recognized as a form of sex discrimination, and this is a violation of the laws which prohibit sex discrimination. A learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment shall be maintained. It shall be a violation of policy for any school district employee to harass another staff member, or student, or for students to harass other students, or an employee, through conduct or communications of a sexual nature.
- Inclement Weather
Parents may receive an email at home and work regarding school closures and delays. Log on to and click on the school closure button to register.
- School Records
Records for each student enrolled at Bennett Ranch Elementary are maintained by the school office. These confidential records contain test data and achievement test results, and are open to a child’s parents and are regularly updated.
- Cafeteria Procedures
Bennett Ranch Elementary School offers both a breakfast and lunch option to all students, or children may bring lunch from home. Menus are published each month on the district website. The current daily charges for grades Kindergarten–5th are free for breakfast and free for lunch. An extra entrée can be purchased for an additional cost. A child may purchase lunch on a daily basis or bring in extra money and set up an account in the lunchroom. If there is a second charge, the food supervisor will call home. Parents/guardians who want to eat with their children may also purchase a hot lunch. The price for adults is $4.85 without milk.
Free and reduced-price lunches are provided to children whose families meet federal guidelines. Children who receive free/reduced lunches are not identified, and all information provided is confidential. If you think that you might qualify, you may pick up an application in the lunchroom or complete the form online at PaySchools. Families have to reapply each year.
- Address, Phone & Other Emergency Information
It is vital that every child have on file current emergency phone numbers where parents can be reached. Please designate an individual for the school to call in the event of an emergency if a parent cannot be reached. Contact the school office if your address or phone, or the name and phone of the person you want contacted in an emergency, changes during the school year. A change of student information form is available for your convenience in the office should you need to update information.
- Child Custody
In most cases, when parents are divorced, both Mom and Dad continue to have equal rights where their children are concerned. If you have a court order that limits the rights of one parent in matters such as custody or visitation, please bring a copy to the office. Unless your court order is on file with us, we must provide equal rights to both parents.
- Emergency Procedure Drills
Fire drills, tornado drills, and lock-down drills will be conducted throughout the school year. Please remind your student that the purpose of these drills is to ensure the safety of all students, staff, and visitors, and appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
- Injuries
If a student is injured, it shall be his/her responsibility to inform a teacher or the office of the injury as soon as it occurs. All head injuries, of any consequence, and illness at school will be reported to parents. An attempt to contact parents/guardians will be made first. If there is no response, the emergency number will be called, followed by the hospital if necessary. Please ensure expedient and proper care for your child by keeping your work and home telephone numbers current in the school office.
- Playground Rules
Children will generally participate in recess daily, unless there is precipitation or the windchill temperature is extreme. Children should dress appropriately for cold/wet weather. Other playground rules include:
Respect and obey adults in charge.
Play constructively and respectfully with others.
Activities prohibited on the playground for safety reasons are:
Deliberate injury to another
Leaving the designated playground area without permission from an adult on duty
Unsafe use of playground equipment
Improper language, name-calling, or harassing
- Behavior Standards
We ask that every parent/guardian review in detail the Falcon Student Conduct and Discipline Code.
- Homework
Bennett Ranch views homework as an integral part of the school experience. Regular homework assignments help students learn good study habits, such as responsibility, perseverance, self-discipline, and time management.
There are three basic types of homework:
Daily reading - may include silent, oral, or shared family reading
Daily practice and review - may include drill, practice, and review in spelling, math, or other content area
Assignments and projects - may include a variety of assignments by the classroom teacher in addition to the completion of unfinished regular classroom work
When a child is home ill more than one day, we will be happy to provide make-up work on the second day. Students will have 2 days to make up work for every one day of excused absence. Parents may call the office before 10:00 a.m. requesting homework. It can be ready for pick up after 3:10 p.m. that same day.
- Pets
For safety reasons, animals are not permitted on school grounds. Dogs and other small animals may be gentle at home but unpredictable at school when confronted by a large number of unfamiliar children. Parents/guardians, we ask that you do not bring dogs to school events, such as field day, or when picking up children.
- Lost and Found
Please clearly label all items of clothing, lunch boxes, backpacks, and school supplies. A lost and found cabinet is in the school’s main lobby. Small items, such as glasses, keys, jewelry, etc. are kept with the office secretary. If you cannot find an item, please check the lost and found area. Unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization at the end of each quarter.
- Textbooks, I-Pads and Chromebooks and School Supplies
Textbooks, I-Pads and Chromebooks are furnished by the school district. It is the responsibility of the student to take good care of these items. A fine will be assessed for lost or unreasonably damaged items.
A list of suggested school supplies for students is available in the school office or online at These supplies are listed by grade level. Individual teachers may have additional items needed for their respective classes throughout the school year.
- Toys and Personal Items
Students should not bring toys or other personal items to school. Items will be confiscated if they cause problems or distractions and disrupt the overall educational process. These items will be held by the teacher, or sent to the main office, until picked up by a parent. If it is necessary to bring a cell phone to school, the phone should be turned off and in the student’s backpack, and only used before and after school.
- Bikes, Skates, Skateboards
Students may ride bikes to and from school, but not on school grounds. Once on school grounds, bikes must be walked by students to the bike rack and locked up.